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New EIA Septic Systems Presentations

Information provided by NEWEA I/A OWTS Task Force

There is now a new posting to the Resources website covering five presentations made at the NEWEA Spring Meeting in Newport, RI on 5/20. This is an update on EIA (Enhanced Innovative/Alternative) septic systems from multiple perspectives including rigorous test case performance, watershed case studies, management approaches, financial analysis and comparisons between MA and RI. Also posted are the assumptions and calculations underpinning Cost per KG of Nitrogen Removed.

Click here for the outline and access to the materials.


As always NEWEA consider EIAs as complementary to sewering where appropriate based on drivers of location value, time value, performance and cost. EIAs are on the way to becoming another effective “tool in the toolbox”.

Hosted by Alissa Cox, URI and Bruce Walton, speakers included:

  • Laura Erban, PhD, EPA ORD
  • Scott Horsley, Water Resources Consultant
  • Brian Baumgaertel, Director, MASSTC 

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